A frighteningly easy way to remove red wine from a carpet
- On October 31, 2022
- how to remove red wine from carpet, red wine stains carpet, remove red wine
The horror of red wine.
Let’s face it, who hasn’t accidentally dashed their carpet with red wine! So whether you are out trick or treating this evening, or watching a horror movie over a glass of red – it’s better to be prepared in the event of an accident that resembles a scene from Friday the 13th. Happy Halloween – All Mwoooooaaahh. This advice is not guaranteed, so always please test it out on a small area. It is, however, an essential life skill!

There are many ways to remove red wine from a carpet, non the least with a splash of white wine to dilute the colour…but here is a top tip from Cleanipedia we think is great advice to get those nasty stains out.
Time is of the essence.
The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to successfully remove the stain.
- You need to get as much of the wine up as possible before you start tackling the stain. Otherwise, you’ll just make the problem worse. So, using an old clean cloth or kitchen towel, blot the spill to soak it up. Keep going until hardly any wine is transferred to the cloth. Use a different piece of the cleaning cloth each time and change it if you need to.
- Press lightly so that you don’t push the wine further into the carpet fibres, and don’t be tempted to rub, as you could spread the stain further.
- If you have a liquid carpet cleaner, follow the instructions on the bottle. Otherwise, add a generous squirt of washing up liquid and two tablespoons of white vinegar to two cups of warm (not hot) water. Mix well.
- We always recommend trying a small amount of new cleaning solution on a less noticeable area, such as behind a door or under the sofa. Most carpets are colour-fast, but it’s best to make sure.
- Dip a clean white cloth or sponge into your cleaning solution. Wring it out and use it to wash the stain. Blot the excess liquid up with another cloth as you go, to avoid soaking the carpet. And change the cleaning solution when it starts to look a bit pink.
- Try to dab rather than rub, and work from the outside of the stain towards the centre so that you don’t spread the wine.
- Sprinkle salt over the stain. It will soak up some of the lingering red wine. Leave the salt in place until the carpet has dried. This is likely to take at least a couple of hours.
- Brush up and discard as much salt as you can. Vacuum up any remaining bits. All being well, the stain should now have gone.
If there is any lingering discolouration, try using baking soda by mixing it with water to make and apply generously, like icing cake.
Use a clean cloth to place over and something heavy, like a book and leave for a couple of hours or overnight. Scoop the clumps up and vacuum.
Source: Cleanipedia
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